Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 57 - MMMM Beef Side

Today, we had a half a side of beef come in. Not nose to tail, but pretty close. We fabricated the loin, rib bones, and the ‘t-bone’ steaks from said bones. Chef came in and divided out the pieces, and then we just went for it. It was pretty fun actually. No pictures of the beef, but I did include pictures of a side of lamb that we had come in earlier in the week. The lamb was such a little guy, but we needed to fabricate it for the Valentines dinner. I would have to guess, that in less than 15 minutes, Carlo had this lamb fabricated; shops, steaks, bones. Wild!!! I need to practice, practice, practice!

We only had a few customers during lunch and even less during dinner, but I was able to jump on the hotline by myself for dinner, as the boys were spending their time shmoozing with some girls down front. No biggie, I was happy to oblige. Orvieto has also started a recycling program! A pretty intense one in fact, so on Thursday night, we started to implement the changes necessary. Basically, there are separate garbage bags for certain products: Plastic, Cardboard/paper, Organic, and Non Recyclable. Each with their own colored bag and each having a different pick up day. Chef was not so pleased with these changes in the system, but we are trying to make it an efficient change over. It is definitely going to be an interesting ride.

It was a good day, and Friday was my day off!!! So I was excited to spend some time not sleeping on Thursday night.

I have also included a picture of the pellet bullet I found in my Wild Boar steak from a week ago.


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