After service and clean up of the first class, it was time for round number 2. The next group of students were a bit more lively, I blame it on the wine they had at lunch, and were ready and willing to work with any of the menu items. This menu consisted of fresh bread, Fried dough filled with spinach and ricotta, Black truffle risotto, Porchetta with wild fennel served with market zucchini, biscotti, and apple crostata. I was excited to work with both the risotto group and the zucchini gals. I started off with both groups working onions of course and showing the finer points of holding a knife properly. Happy to say I had no injuries occur. Then came the slicing of about 12 pounds of zucchini, but the gals just kept on working it, once cooked, they were really good and a nice green color. Then the black truffles, maybe $300 dollars worth went into the dish that they were preparing. It was pretty fun to watch them get excited over the ingredients.
After a bit of back and forth with the Chef, the risotto was started and we were off and running/cooking. The porchetta guys were told of the previous fire and how to hopefully avoid this, considering we upped the anti and had two in the oven this time, we did not want to have a fire happen! All was well, and the porchetta came out fully cooked, crispy skin, and delicious. Although, the winning dish of the day was the risotto.
Later that evening, the roommates and I met some of the students out for drinks at this place called the Beer House, rumor was they had a hamburger on the menu, so of course, I had to order it. Out it came with some half moon shaped patate fritti. It was good, but I am pretty sure it was a pork sausage patty. Nonetheless, it wasn’t half bad at 10:45 at night. The rest of the night was filled with watching my roommates try and infiltrate the group for a little girly action. However, to no avail, we all ended up walking home together at about 1:30 am that day. We took a shorter much more steep route though. But it was nice to be home a a more decent time than from NYE.
Language Lesson #
sceffio = Dirty
Bruto = Ugly
Grosso = Fat
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